Tesla Sales, Revenue and Production 2023: The Complete Stats

Tesla Sales, Revenue and Production 2023: The Complete Stats

Here's the definitive guide to Tesla sales and statistics for 2023. The update follows Q2 2023.

Annual production of Tesla vehicles
Tesla's production in the second quarter of 2023 is high.

Total production in the second quarter of 2023 reached an all-time high of 479,700 units.

Compared with the first quarter of 2023, the production is 440,808 units.

Annual production of Tesla vehicles
The following is the complete data of Tesla's annual production from 2018 to the second quarter of 2023.

Year Production
2018 254,530
2019 365,232
2020 509,737
2021 930,422
2022 1,369,611
Q1 2023 440,808
Q2 2023 479,700
There have been 4,350,040 Tesla models produced over the past five years (including Q1 and Q2 2023).

Source: Tesla

Tesla's delivery numbers
Tesla will deliver 466,140 vehicles in the second quarter of 2023.

It's been a record quarter so far.

Tesla's delivery numbers
For comparison, Tesla's first-quarter 2023 delivery figure is 422,875 vehicles.

For 2022, they delivered 1,313,581 vehicles.

Elon Musk says Tesla can achieve 2 million car deliveries by the end of 2023.

At this speed, his words can come true.

Tesla Vehicle Sales by Year
How many Teslas have been sold in 2022?

Tesla sold 1,313,581 Model 3/Y and Model X/S cars in 2022.

Annual sales of Tesla vehicles
In the table below, we show the cars that Tesla has sold by year since its inception, going back to 2008.

Year Total Sales Vehicle Models Sold
2008 ~100 sports cars
2009 ~900 sports car
2010 ~400 sports car
2011 774 sports car
2012 3,000 Roadster, Model S
2013 22,477 Model S
2014 31,655 Model S
2015 50,658 Model S, Model X
2016 76,285 Model S, Model X
2017 103,181 Model X/S, Model 3
2018 245,240 Model 3/Y, Model X/S
2019 367,500 Model 3/Y, Model X/S
2020 499,550 Model 3/Y, Model X/S
2021 936,950 Model 3/Y, Model X/S
2022 1,313,581 Model 3/Y, Model X/S
Q1 2023 422,875 Model 3/Y, Model X/S
Q2 2023 466,140 Model 3/Y, Model X/S
Tesla's total sales from birth to today (2008-2023 Q2): 4,527,916 vehicles.

It will also be interesting to see how other EV makers react to today's sales.
We have collected data and prepared 2023 EV sales statistics.

Sales of Tesla Models
Tesla's sales have continued to rise along with its success. Model 3/Y and Model X/S.

In the first three months of the year, sales of Tesla's vehicles hit record highs after Elon Musk cut prices in the face of growing competition from rivals.

In the following, we'll show you how Tesla models have sold over time.

Model 3/Y

People are absolutely in love with the Model 3/Y.

In the second quarter of 2023, Model Y and Model 3 collective sales exceeded 466,140 units.

Today, the best-selling Model Y starts at $54,990, while the base price for the Model 3 is $42,990.

Tesla sales, by Model 3 Model Y
Year Sales
2019 300,885
2020 442,562
2021 911,242
2022 1,247,146
Q1 2023 412,180
Q2 2023 466,915
Tesla's best-selling car: Tesla Model Y.

Model X/S

Compared with Model 3/Y, the sales of Model X/S are slightly behind.

A Model S starts at $89,990, while the X starts at $99,990.

Tesla Sales by Model X Model S
Year Sales
2019 66,771
2020 57,085
2021 24,980
2022 66,705
Q1 2023 10,695
Q2 2023 19,225
Model X/S is the top luxury car.

Source: Tesla

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